Complexifying Classroom Interactional Competence for Inclusive, Digitally-Mediated EFL Classrooms

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Abstract Summary

Considering both the methods and models of classroom interactive competence (CIC) in teacher professionalization, this presentation will first identify the affordances of multi-perspective videography before examining how digitally-mediated CIC is enacted in inclusive EFL classes in German secondary schools. The potential implications for further development of CIC will be discussed.

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In recent years, classroom interactional competence (CIC) models (Walsh, 2011) have expanded to include nonverbal data in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms, taking advantage of videos’ affordances to facilitate examinations of teachers’ and learners’ (Park, 2017) “ability to use interaction as a tool for mediating and assisting learning” (Walsh, 2011, p. 158). Such investigations of CIC need to reflect situated practice if they are to serve teachers’ professionalization needs, which increasingly include utilizing digitally-mediated pedagogy with students who have diverse language learning needs. While there are examinations of how digitally-mediated instructional practices inform classroom interaction in EFL (cf. Hennessy, 2011), these rely on recording methodologies ideally suited to teacher-centered instruction. Moreover, these describe classroom interaction without focusing on the competence thereof, or how it is enacted in inclusive settings. In the study presented here, multi-perspective videography is employed to facilitate an analysis of CIC as it takes place with digitally-mediated EFL pedagogy in heterogeneous classrooms. Relying on data derived from conversation analysis and stimulated recall investigations from two inclusive, secondary EFL classrooms in Germany that use digital tools, the CIC that is demonstrated will first be characterized in terms of existing CIC models. Subsequently, the ways in which these models facilitate an examination of inclusive pedagogy in digitally-mediated EFL settings will be considered, identifying the potential contribution of such an approach to teacher professionalization in both inclusive and digital pedagogies. References Hennessy, S. (2011). The role of digital artefacts on the interactive whiteboard in supporting classroom dialogue. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(6), 463–489. Park, J. (2017). Multimodality as an interactional resource for classroom interactional competence (CIC). Eurasian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 3(2), 121–138. Walsh, S. (2011). Exploring classroom discourse: Language in action. London: Routledge.

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Associate Professor of Digital Teaching & Learning
Technical University of Dortmund

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