Abstracts archive

The present study investigates whether Chinese immigrant workers in Spain are perceived as polite as they intend to be by L1 Spanish speakers when producing requests in Spanish and, if not, whether intonation might be responsible for these communicative misunderstandings.


This contribution presents the "Language Village" as an empirically valid method and didactic approach for activating linguistic repertoires of multilingual secondary students, while not only integrating all schooling languages but also other foreign and heritage languages in tasks, material and int...

AILA Symposium

This presentation considers the linguistic patterns found in marketing materials at a Canadian university. This survey looked for references to neoliberal language of market freedom, expediency, and economic mobility. These were then mapped onto ways that these linguistic forms reproduce a commodity...

AILA Symposium

The core of dietetic treatment of elderly clients with malnutrition is stimulating them to eat better. Although dietetic counselling complements only providing oral nutritional supplements, the overall effectiveness of dietary treatment remains limited. In this study, effects of dietetic counselling...


Summary This study is part of my PhD dissertation that will be carried out in Kosovo, in April 2020. Prior to the main study a pilot study is planned to be conducted in January-February 2020.

AILA Symposium

This paper explores the policy-making process of "Languages Connect - Ireland's Strategy for Foreign Languages in Education 2017-2026" by focusing on the way agents wield the meaning of language policy ideas and the way power relations are manifested behind interactive processes of ideational power....

AILA Symposium

This micro analytic study of classroom interaction focuses on alternative questions initiated by the teacher as a first pair part in a speaking course for learners of English at tertiary level. Alternative questions project one word answer from learners and enable them to be involved in the speaking...

AILA Symposium

Shadowing is to imitate model voices without seeing its scrip within a second delay. Though it is a well-examined training for L2 learners, specialized texts focusing on weaknesses of learners’ listening abilities have not fully developed yet in Japan. Adequate texts with analyzing evaluations and...


This paper sets out to explore teacher beliefs and practices for Modern Foreign Language teaching in a Scottish primary school under the 1+2 Scottish language policy. It illustrates an antagonistic relationship between pupils who behave as multilingual individuals, neoliberal policy orientations and...


Tosepan Kalnemachtiloyan is an indigenous immersion and bilingual school working to 1) revitalize indigenous language, 2) recover indigenous knowledge, and 3) reframe indigenous identity. Through critical ethnography, I considered the ‘Language Planning (LP) Onion’, and finally adapted a useful ...

AILA Symposium

This presentation will provide an intuitive and accessible framework for bridging the personal and professional benefits of action research with the illustrative power of CA.

AILA Symposium

This presentation describes the adaptation process of multiple sign language development assessment instruments for Finnish Sign Language. Additionally, we will explain how the teacher were trained to use the assessment instruments and how the large data on children acquiring FinSL was collected in ...


This presentation will explore the ethical challenges faced by administrative support staff in negotiating their communicative practices at an internationalising Swedish university. The study presented promises to contribute towards debate surrounding language planning for internationalising Higher ...


This presentation will offer an overview of the Spanish Society for Applied Linguistics (AESLA) activities and scientific areas of AESLA with a focus on the possible connections with the goals of AIALA, as can be the creation of collaborative research networks with scholars from the other member ass...


In our paper, we propose to study a tandem language learning environment through desktop videoconferencing, or teletandem (Telles, 2009) for French and Chinese as foreign languages. Our study aims to understand how, through the videoconferencing environment, interlocutors position themselves and the...

AILA Symposium

This presentation outlines a conceptual model for the study of agency in language policy and planning (LPP) informed by social realist theory, and grounded in empirical research conducted in various national contexts.

AILA Symposium

This study evaluates a reading intervention to bridge the gap between Dutch secondary school and university reading. The lesson series addresses prereading- (activating preknowledge, interpreting graphs), while-reading (text monitoring, critical reading) and post-reading strategies (graphic organize...

AILA Symposium

This study explores English language learners' attitudes toward English as 'free language' and lingua franca communication.

AILA Symposium

Using a six-month ethnographic design, this study examines the language ideologies among study abroad students admitted in an English-taught degree program in China. It reveals how the divergent language ideologies impact and are shaped by their investment of learning a second language in the multil...

AILA Symposium

We present how we examine comprehension on various linguistic levels and identify obstacles to comprehension in the Informed Consent process using a mixed methods approach and cooperating with different groups of practitioners. Based on the results, we show how we aim to optimise the Informed Consen...

AILA Symposium

This paper is inspired and motivated by emerging scholarship (Guilherme & de Souza, 2019; Macedo, 2019; Phipps, 2019; Pennycook & Makoni, 2019, among others) inviting language and culture education practitioners to question the ideologies underpinning how we think and frame our practice and ...


Adequately responding to linguistic diversity in the classroom is imperative in European school contexts. The intervention study combined insights from multilingual education and L2 motivational research and addressed diversity in a resource-oriented way. The data are promising and indicate a positi...

AILA Symposium

This paper recounts a sociocultural inquiry into bilingual students’ self-regulated strategic learning of language and subject content, through which we interpreted how and why the students appropriated resources strategically for self-regulated learning. It contends that sociocultural perspective...

AILA Symposium

In this paper we focus on the lived and affective realities of children’s engagement with language and schooling by exploring everyday understandings of spelling. We draw on co-produced film data from a research project that took place in an elementary school in the North of the UK.

AILA Symposium

This talk examines perceptions of decoloniality in African linguistics, as taught inside and outside of Africa. Building on Riedel and de Vos (2018), we explore a range of issues related to awareness of colonial pasts and their effects on contemporary societies at universities teaching African lingu...


This study explores morphosyntactic alignment during text-based computer chat among international EAP students performing six text chat tasks. Chat-logs of the conversations were scrutinized for the re-use of structures that had been introduced by either partner. We discuss how observed group patter...

AILA Symposium

This presentation examines how the use of heritage or so-called ‘migrant’ languages by children whose first language is not German is characterized in public discourse. This is achieved through analysis of data collected from online reader comments at daily and weekly German newspapers of record...

AILA Symposium

The study provides an overview of lexicographic and information technology solutions for a mobile application “An English-Latvian-English Translating and Phrase-Dictionary of Medical Terms” developed in collaboration between researchers of two universities. This dictionary is specially developed...

AILA Symposium

Nonnative speakers of English may not be fully equipped to communicate effectively through the oral mode. With this in mind, and through English proficiency testing and a needs analysis on oral communication, Iowa State University has developed a training program to prepare graduate students to beco...

AILA Symposium

This presentation will explore how the use of formulaic sequences (FS) affects the cognitive fluency of the L2 writing process and how these sequences are related to the length of bursts. The presentation will describe L2 French students' pausal behaviour in relation to their use of FSs (learner-int...

AILA Symposium