What’s Additional? Four Issues for Teachers of EAL Learners in Changing Irish Primary Schools.

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Abstract Summary
This presentation will offer insights from research into the evolving status of language and literacy support provision for children with EAL in mainstream Irish schools and the inherent issues for primary teachers, at a time when a language curriculum and Special Education allocation model is being introduced across the country.
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With over 200 languages spoken in Ireland (NCCA, 2015) and growing childhood multilingualism, there is an urgent need to accommodate the diverse language and literacy needs of children with English as an additional language (EAL) in primary school classrooms. Yet a number of studies have pointed to challenges in providing appropriate support for our changing school population (e.g. Nowlan, 2008; Smyth et al., 2009; Lyons, 2010; Murtagh and Francis, 2011). Based on curricular and policy reform at primary level (DES, 2015; DES, 2017c) and the ‘ad hoc, add on’ approach towards supporting EALs (Gardiner-Hyland and Burke, 2018) as demonstrated in the new model for special education (DES, 2017c), this paper draws on qualitative research data conducted by Gardiner-Hyland and Burke (2018) in a series of interviews (N=16) and online questionnaires (N=29) with teachers practising in diverse primary schools. It will outline authentic experiences currently facing Irish primary mainstream class teachers in catering for learners with English as an additional language (EALs), particularly at the beginning stage of their language learning. Using a thematic analysis process outlined by Braun and Clarke (2006), it will highlight four main issues identified from this research: teachers’ perceived levels of confidence and knowledge in supporting EAL learners; the issue of collaboration and professional development; the need for inclusive practices and resources and accommodating and embracing diversity challenges. The presentation will conclude by highlighting supports needed for primary school teachers in order to develop linguistically responsive teaching approaches for meaningful, contextualized language and literacy development for EAL learners in Irish mainstream classes. It is envisaged that participants will gain an insight into the complexities, limitations and possibilities for supporting teachers of EAL learners in Irish schools, at a time of significant curricular and policy reform.

Mary Immaculate College | Univeristy of Limerick, Ireland
Stockholm University

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