Young students’ language choice in Swedish Compulsory school - expectations, learning and assessment

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In collaboration with students and teachers in three different language classrooms, this case study investigated the choice of a second foreign language in Swedish elementary school. The study explored students’ beliefs related to language learning, learning practices and language assessment at an early stage in the learning processes.

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Research into learner beliefs has to a large extent focused on older students or adults, having English as the target language. Less research has been done concerning young learners' beliefs regarding other languages. This study investigates young language learners' choice of a second foreign language in Swedish elementary school. Swedish pupils choose a second foreign language after English in year 5 and begin these studies in year 6. A language choice is obligatory. About 80 % of all pupils normally choose French, German or Spanish, but they can decide instead on additional English or Swedish, mother tongue (if other than Swedish) or sign language. This case study aims to gain further knowledge of students' beliefs related to language learning, learning practices and language assessment at an early stage in the learning process (n = 49). A mixed-methods design was adopted for the study, conducted in collaboration with three teachers, teaching three different languages, in one school. Results show that the vast majority of students initially chose a second foreign language out of interest, curiosity and the belief that language learning is fun. Their language choice is mainly inspired by their families' travels and the languages known to parents or relatives. The learning and teaching conditions vary in the three language classrooms, where differences are displayed in classroom activities, in target language use and in assessment practices. The most important learning outcome, identified by the students, was a desire to be able to communicate.  A central feature throughout the study has been the collaborative exploration of research practices with both teachers and students. This fruitful cooperation has been facilitated through joint activities, discussions and practices during which theory and practice meet. The presentation shows examples of the mutual benefits and challenges identified by the study.

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PhD Student
University of Gothenburg

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