Co-constructing Multimodal Teaching Proposals to Make Situations of Alterity and Critical Intercultural Dimensions Explicit. A Colombia - France Action Research.

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Abstract Summary

By using this didactic proposal to “teach the plurality” (Molinié, 2015), MOOC participants are expected to consider all forms of alterity, to become more reflective, to learn how to build third spaces, and to play the role of intercultural mediators in their sociolinguistic interactions and social experiences.

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Educational contexts are facing latent or active conflicts; where knowledge, linguistic skills and cultural facts need to be complemented by approaches focused on the recognition and valorization of alterity, on the basis of critical intercultural dimensions (Gamboa Diaz, Molinié & Tejada Sanchez, 2019). This proposal is the result of an action research project focused on making intercultural dimensions explicit (Gamboa Diaz, 2019) in two master's degree programs: didactics of languages in France and bilingual education in Colombia. In these two contexts, marked by linguistic variations, plural identities, cultural diversity or plurilingual repertoires, we aim to understand: how can these realities be integrated to the university programs? How useful is it for pre-service or in-service language teachers to lecture this diversity, promoting classwork dynamics around it? And how can this initiative become a pedagogical approach to language teaching? 

The multimodal and critical reflections explored via content and discourse analysis (von Münchow, 2015), provided us the theoretical and methodological bases to propose a plurilingual MOOC designed to respond not only to teaching and learning situations, but also to everyday life circumstances, within the framework of critical intercultural dimensions. Our objective is to develop MOOC participant's ability to reflect on their historicity and their linguistic, idocultural and pluricultural identities.

MOOC Understanding Intercultural Dimensions in Everyday Life:  

Key words 

Bilingualism-Multilingualism-Plurilingualism| Alterity| Critical Intercultural dimensions| Critical reflexivity| Action-research.  

Bibliographic references 

Gamboa Diaz, P.A. Molinié, M. & Tejada Sanchez, M.I. (2019). Former des enseignants de langue étrangère et seconde aux dimensions interculturelles explicites en France et en Colombie. Un dialogue théorique et épistémologique. In Interculturalidad y formación de profesores: perspectivas pedagógicas y multilingües. Bogotá: Ediciones Uniandes. 

Gamboa Diaz, P.A. (2019). Second and Foreign Language Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Development to Make Intercultural Dimensions Explicit. Reflecting Through a Comparative Proposal Between France and Colombia. Voces y silencios. Revista Latinoamericana de Educación, 10(1), 199–230.

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Researcher and Teaching Assistant
Sorbonne Nouvelle University

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