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Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 20, 2021 02:30 PM - August 20, 2022 06:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210820T1430 20210820T1800 Europe/Amsterdam S171 2/2 | INVITED SYMPOSIUM: The dynamics of language, communication and culture in applied linguistic research in Latin America

In 2015 AILA, faithful to its mission to promote Applied Linguistics around the world, initiated a new research network Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics (ReCAL), that would investigate the cultural diversity of research philosophies, epistemological groundings, modes of inquiry and institutional constraints that exist among the present and future AILA affiliates. How does each affiliate define Applied Linguistics (AL)? How do they view the relationship of AL to language education, language policy and planning, the study of language in everyday life, the social and political issues of the time? What is the institutional status, the intellectual scope, the disciplinary boundaries of AL in their respective countries? Marjolijn Verspoor and Kees de Bot have invited us to feature our ReCAL meeting as an "invited symposium" at the AILA 2020 Congress in Groningen, NL. We are thankful for the opportunity to feature some of the diverse and exciting research taking place in Applied Linguistics in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay. We have programmed the two half-days of this symposium according to the two subthemes that emerged from the abstracts received: 1) Academic policy and intercultural mediation 2) Social justice, language policy and gender.

From 18.00 -19.00 there will be a general discussion and closing remarks in AILA Gather Town. Please go to gathertown log in and go to the classroom at the activity center (or you can search for Paola Andrea GAMBOA DIAZ and click on follow).

Room 1 AILA 2021
73 attendees saved this session

In 2015 AILA, faithful to its mission to promote Applied Linguistics around the world, initiated a new research network Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics (ReCAL), that would investigate the cultural diversity of research philosophies, epistemological groundings, modes of inquiry and institutional constraints that exist among the present and future AILA affiliates. How does each affiliate define Applied Linguistics (AL)? How do they view the relationship of AL to language education, language policy and planning, the study of language in everyday life, the social and political issues of the time? What is the institutional status, the intellectual scope, the disciplinary boundaries of AL in their respective countries? Marjolijn Verspoor and Kees de Bot have invited us to feature our ReCAL meeting as an "invited symposium" at the AILA 2020 Congress in Groningen, NL. We are thankful for the opportunity to feature some of the diverse and exciting research taking place in Applied Linguistics in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay. We have programmed the two half-days of this symposium according to the two subthemes that emerged from the abstracts received: 1) Academic policy and intercultural mediation 2) Social justice, language policy and gender.

From 18.00 -19.00 there will be a general discussion and closing remarks in AILA Gather Town. Please go to gathertown log in and go to the classroom at the activity center (or you can search for Paola Andrea GAMBOA DIAZ and click on follow).

The syntax of marginalization in Colombian Language policies: From colonialism to neoliberalismView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FeaturedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 16:00:00 UTC
This paper intends to show that language planning in Colombia has followed patterns of exclusion and marginalization towards minority groups. The language policies adopted during the Spanish colonization have been followed, enhanced, fostered and legitimized during the different history periods of our country and have successfully merged into internal colonialism (González Casanova, 2006; Rivera Cusicanque, 2010) which in turn serves the interests of a neoliberal take on education.
Presenters Carmen Guerrero-Nieto
Francisco José De Caldas District University
Pedagogies of Be[ing], Be[longing] and Be[coming]: A Critical Ethnography to Understanding Colombian Youth Experiences of Social Justice in English Teaching View Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 16:00:00 UTC
A critical ethnography was conducted in a marginalized high school in Colombia to understand the youth lived experiences as they engaged in social justice-oriented pedagogies to learn English. Findings revealed how the teachers counter neoliberal narratives of teaching by negotiating the curriculum with the students to promote social cohesion.
Presenters Yecid Ortega
OISE/University Of Toronto
Transformative Approaches for Building Peace in an Argentine EFL Practicum: Developing Cultural, Emotional, and Cognitive CompetenciesView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 16:00:00 UTC
Framed within Oxford’s (2013) peace language model and transformative approaches, this presentation reports on a study that explored a group of Argentine EFL pre-service teachers’ beliefs and emotions regarding a pedagogical intervention in the practicum aimed at fostering peacebuilding competencies, including ethnocultural empathy, intercultural understanding, emotional self-regulation, and cognitive flexibility.
Presenters Matilde Olivero
National University Of Rio Cuarto
North-South Dialogues: Critical Ethnography of Brazilian EFL EducationView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 16:00:00 UTC
Sociolinguistic ethnography is framed by the researchers' sociocultural and psychological frames of reference. Research of the attitudes towards English and its use by Brazilian university students conducted by their US peers highlighted the issues of class, race, and language identity. Critically-informed analysis of students' research papers and self-reflexive essays revealed dialogic relationships between language researchers and subjects. The study showed critical approaches as capable of enriching study of L2 learning with understanding of deeper social processes that belie language data. Critically-guided scholarship can move language researchers from simply receiving, or processing knowledge, to being transformed by it.
Presenters Lane Igoudin
Professor Of ESL And Linguistics, Los Angeles City College
Co-constructing Multimodal Teaching Proposals to Make Situations of Alterity and Critical Intercultural Dimensions Explicit. A Colombia - France Action Research.View Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 16:00:00 UTC
By using this didactic proposal to “teach the plurality” (Molinié, 2015), MOOC participants are expected to consider all forms of alterity, to become more reflective, to learn how to build third spaces, and to play the role of intercultural mediators in their sociolinguistic interactions and social experiences.
Presenters Paola Andrea GAMBOA DIAZ
Researcher And Teaching Assistant, Sorbonne Nouvelle University
Virtual (or unvirtuous?) language use and digital technologies: power niches in social networking sitesView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 16:00:00 UTC
In this presentation, my aim is to reflect on the use of social networking sites to build and/or reinforce power niches and autonomous zones by the language used by certain groups. Collateral issues will be approached, such as the impermeability of power niches to discourses in opposition.

Presenters Rafael Vetromille Castro
Associate Professor, Federal University Of Pelotas
University of California, Berkeley
Francisco José de Caldas District University
OISE/University of Toronto
National University of Rio Cuarto
Professor of ESL and Linguistics
Los Angeles City College
+ 2 more speakers. View All
PhD Paola Andrea GAMBOA DIAZ
Researcher and Teaching Assistant
Sorbonne Nouvelle University
 Mark Van Huizen
AILA2021 volunteer
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The syntax of marginalization in Colombian Lang...
AILA__The_syntax_marginalization Submitted by Carmen Guerrero-Nieto 0
Transformative Approaches for Building Peace in...
AILA__Olivero_Matilde_presentation_AILA__mp Submitted by Matilde Olivero 0
North-South Dialogues: Critical Ethnography of ...
AILA_1629130557Igoudin-RoutledgeChapterScan.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Lane Igoudin 0AILA__AILA_Presentation___Igoudin__Video_ Submitted by Lane Igoudin 0
Pedagogies of Be[ing], Be[longing] and Be[comin...
AILA__AILA____YECID_ORTEGA Submitted by Yecid Ortega 0
Co-constructing Multimodal Teaching Proposals t...
Virtual (or unvirtuous?) language use and digit...
AILA___apresentacao_vetromillecastro_VIDEO Submitted by Rafael Vetromille Castro 0
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