In 2015 AILA, faithful to its mission to promote Applied Linguistics around the world, initiated a new research network Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics (ReCAL), that would investigate the cultural diversity of research philosophies, epistemological groundings, modes of inquiry and institutional constraints that exist among the present and future AILA affiliates. How does each affiliate define Applied Linguistics (AL)? How do they view the relationship of AL to language education, language policy and planning, the study of language in everyday life, the social and political issues of the time? What is the institutional status, the intellectual scope, the disciplinary boundaries of AL in their respective countries? Marjolijn Verspoor and Kees de Bot have invited us to feature our ReCAL meeting as an "invited symposium" at the AILA 2020 Congress in Groningen, NL. We are thankful for the opportunity to feature some of the diverse and exciting research taking place in Applied Linguistics in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay. We have programmed the two half-days of this symposium according to the two subthemes that emerged from the abstracts received: 1) Academic policy and intercultural mediation 2) Social justice, language policy and gender.
From 18.00 -19.00 there will be a general discussion and closing remarks in AILA Gather Town. Please go to gathertown log in and go to the classroom at the activity center (or you can search for Paola Andrea GAMBOA DIAZ and click on follow).
Room 1 AILA 2021 aila2021@gcb.nlIn 2015 AILA, faithful to its mission to promote Applied Linguistics around the world, initiated a new research network Research Cultures in Applied Linguistics (ReCAL), that would investigate the cultural diversity of research philosophies, epistemological groundings, modes of inquiry and institutional constraints that exist among the present and future AILA affiliates. How does each affiliate define Applied Linguistics (AL)? How do they view the relationship of AL to language education, language policy and planning, the study of language in everyday life, the social and political issues of the time? What is the institutional status, the intellectual scope, the disciplinary boundaries of AL in their respective countries? Marjolijn Verspoor and Kees de Bot have invited us to feature our ReCAL meeting as an "invited symposium" at the AILA 2020 Congress in Groningen, NL. We are thankful for the opportunity to feature some of the diverse and exciting research taking place in Applied Linguistics in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Uruguay. We have programmed the two half-days of this symposium according to the two subthemes that emerged from the abstracts received: 1) Academic policy and intercultural mediation 2) Social justice, language policy and gender.
From 18.00 -19.00 there will be a general discussion and closing remarks in AILA Gather Town. Please go to gathertown log in and go to the classroom at the activity center (or you can search for Paola Andrea GAMBOA DIAZ and click on follow).