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  9. Disable VPN or Firewall: Sometimes, VPNs or firewalls can interfere with the connection to the meeting platform. Temporarily disable them and see if the issue persists.
  10. Switch Devices: If possible, try joining the meeting from a different device to see if the problem is specific to one device.
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  12. Update Drivers and Software: Ensure your operating system, audio drivers, and video drivers are up to date. Outdated drivers can cause compatibility issues with the Dryfta meeting platform.
  13. Contact Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to the platform's support team. They can provide personalized assistance and troubleshoot specific problems.
By following these troubleshooting tips, you can tackle many common problems encountered on Dryfta meeting platform and have a more productive and seamless meeting experience.
Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 19, 2021 08:30 AM - August 19, 2022 12:00 Noon(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210819T0830 20210819T1200 Europe/Amsterdam S045 1/2 | Emotions and Second Language learning

Emotion research is mainly dominated by psychology and cognitive sciences where linguistics and language research still can contribute. But, the variability of emotions and of affective factors indicate the need to consider at least the following main subthemes to have a broader picture of emotions in language learning: Prosody and emotional expression.Prosodic features (intonational accent, intensity, duration), speech speed and pauses are extremely important because they provide significance (affection), i.e. allow the speaker to express emotions, (joy, sadness, anger, fear,...) or (DIS)courtesy or irony to interlocutors, key aspects to achieve a good communicative competence. Further analyses of how emotional expressions are prosodically characterised may explain how the language learners'communicative competence evolves. Emotions and intercultural communication.Emotions are cultural artifacts that can be explained by analysing the intercultural dimension. In plurilingual and pluricultural classrooms, exploring the analysis of emotions in different languages may help to understand learners' emotional reactions. Emotions and communicative contexts.In the foreign language classroom, productive communicative contexts can be activated through the proposal of different types of tasks that can feed students' curiosity. But, curiosity in the language classroom needs to be further studied in relation to meaningful interactions, to teachers' and learners' oral and written language production.

Room 1 AILA 2021
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Emotion research is mainly dominated by psychology and cognitive sciences where linguistics and language research still can contribute. But, the variability of emotions and of affective factors indicate the need to consider at least the following main subthemes to have a broader picture of emotions in language learning: Prosody and emotional expression.Prosodic features (intonational accent, intensity, duration), speech speed and pauses are extremely important because they provide significance (affection), i.e. allow the speaker to express emotions, (joy, sadness, anger, fear,...) or (DIS)courtesy or irony to interlocutors, key aspects to achieve a good communicative competence. Further analyses of how emotional expressions are prosodically characterised may explain how the language learners'communicative competence evolves. Emotions and intercultural communication.Emotions are cultural artifacts that can be explained by analysing the intercultural dimension. In plurilingual and pluricultural classrooms, exploring the analysis of emotions in different languages may help to understand learners' emotional reactions. Emotions and communicative contexts.In the foreign language classroom, productive communicative contexts can be activated through the proposal of different types of tasks that can feed students' curiosity. But, curiosity in the language classroom needs to be further studied in relation to meaningful interactions, to teachers' and learners' oral and written language production.

Expressing insecurity by prosodic features in the spontaneous speech of Hungarian learners of SpanishView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
Stress patterns and the impression of insecurity were reported to be problematic areas of Hungarian learners of Spanish (HLS) by native Spanish informants. In this study we investigate how prosodic aspects in stress realization can lead to the impression of speaker insecurity in the Spanish oral production of HLS. The study was carried out of 600 utterances by using Cantero's three-dimensional prosodic analysis model (2019), and according to the results, stresses are accompanied by less prosodic prominence in the case of HLS, but phrase accents are realized with a higher rise and a longer duration than in native Spanish. 
Presenters Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi
Eötvös Loránd University
Projecting emotions on texts: The relation between working memory capacity, emotional intelligence, and emotional vocabulary in L2 writing.View Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
This study explores the relation between working memory capacity, emotional intelligence, and emotional vocabulary in the written production of learners of Spanish L2. Pedagogical implications are discussed, stressing the importance of including the affective dimension in the L2 classrooms in order to help students to achieve meaningful communications in L2.
Presenters Fernando Bustos Co-authors
Irini Mavrou
Universidad Antonio De Nebrija | University College London
Acquisition of the intonation of mitigating politeness in L2 Spanish by Chinese immigrants in SpainView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
The present study investigates whether Chinese immigrant workers in Spain are perceived as polite as they intend to be by L1 Spanish speakers when producing requests in Spanish and, if not, whether intonation might be responsible for these communicative misunderstandings.
Presenters Cristina Herrero Fernández
Nebrija University
Margarita Planelles
Nebrija University
Empar Devís Herraiz
Universitat De Barcelona
Emotions, affective factors and emotional expression in the language classroomView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FeaturedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
The aim is to explore the affective-emotional basis of second language learning by reflecting on the place of emotion as regards cognition, and on the neural mechanism for stimulus appraisal based on positive and negative evaluations of the second language learning situation. Then, a qualitative synthesis of some works published during the last 20 years helps to draw the big picture. The 21st century affective language research defines the socio-emotional basis of human interaction and communication as the way we construct our social world and therefore, needs to be considered in language education. 
Presenters Carmen Fonseca
Featured Speaker, University Of Huelva
La expresión de las emociones por hablantes de ELE: ¿contexto o prosodia?View Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
Analizamos de manera acústica y perceptiva la expresión de las emociones en hablantes de ELE para ver si realmente las emociones expresadas se reconocen e identifican por factores prosódicos codificados y distintivos o si, por otro lado, es el contexto pragmático el que nos permite distinguir de qué emoción se trata.
Presenters Mari Cruz Amorós Céspedes
University Of Alicante
Emotion and Prosodic Features of Emphasis in Spanish Spoken by Chinese PeopleView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
This paper describes the prosodic characteristics of emphasis found in utterances by various Chinese students of Spanish as an FL in the expression of emotions, comparing them with different emphatic patterns described for Peninsula Spanish and identifying their communicative efficiency in order to develop educational proposals for improving their competence.
Presenters Dolors Font-Rotchés
University Of Barcelona
Co-authors Francisco José Cantero Serena
Head Of Applied Phonetics Laboratory, University Of Barcelona
Chinese EFL Learners' Cognition of Color and Color-Related Emotional Expressions-In the Case of Red and BLueView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Focused 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
The current research suggests that L2 learning does affect L2 learners' cognition of color and color-related emotional expressions.
Presenters Xiaoting Shi
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Intercultural climate in segregated classrooms: language, emotions and genderView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 10:00:00 UTC
Working as a Teacher of Spanish as a Foreign Language in the Middle East is not an easy job. However, it can even be more difficult if you add gender segregation: female students and male instructor. Interculturality becomes the handicap and emotions can play in your favor or against.
Presenters Sanchez-Mesas Javier
Qatar University
Eötvös Loránd University
Nebrija University
Universitat de Barcelona
+ 13 more speakers. View All
Dr. Francisco José Cantero Serena
Head of Applied Phonetics Laboratory
University of Barcelona
Dr. Dolors Font-Rotchés
University of Barcelona
 Mark Van Huizen
AILA2021 volunteer
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Emotions, affective factors and emotional expre...
AILA__Fonseca_AILA__video_mpeg_ Submitted by Carmen Fonseca 0AILA_1626780659ReferencesFonsecaAILA2021.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Carmen Fonseca 0
Chinese EFL Learners' Cognition of Color and Co...
AILA_IMG_ Submitted by Xiaoting Shi 0
Intercultural climate in segregated classrooms:...
AILA__Sanchez_Mesas_Javier_AILA_ Submitted by Sanchez-Mesas Javier 0
Expressing insecurity by prosodic features in t...
AILA__ Submitted by Kata Baditzné Pálvölgyi 0
Projecting emotions on texts: The relation betw...
AILA__AILA Submitted by Irini Mavrou 0
Acquisition of the intonation of mitigating pol...
AILA__AILA_Herrero_Planelles_Devis Submitted by Cristina Herrero Fernández 0
La expresión de las emociones por hablantes de...
AILA__AILA__Holanda Submitted by Mari Cruz Amorós Céspedes 0
Emotion and Prosodic Features of Emphasis in Sp...
AILA__ Submitted by Dolors Font-Rotchés 0
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