From Language Learners to Language Users – how CMC can support spoken language in MFL classroom - a longitudinal study.

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Abstract Summary
A number of studies have shown the potential benefits of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) on Second language (L2) oral proficiency, but fewer focus on using technology offering classroom opportunities to support spoken language (Lin, 2014). Within the context of England and learners of school age there is a clear gap for exploring this with Secondary learners at KS3 and 4 This study investigates the opportunities for using skype in MFL classrooms, with secondary pupils engaging in real time spoken conversation with French pupils using video calling (Skype). in real time over a period of 6 months
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Data news refers to news reports which are based on data analysis and presented in visualized texts (verbal texts, interactive and/or static images) and/or videos. It is often instantiated as multimodal artefacts. Some studies in the media academia (Appelgren & Nygren 2014; Wu 2017 etc.) identify it as a new genre, arguing that its main purpose has shifted from telling stories to deducing factual conclusions. However, it has not been made clear what genre it is. Neither has it been made clear how data news as a genre can be realized semiotically or linguistically. In the present paper, we try to build up a genre model for analyzing data news by integrating ideas from genre model in the Sydney School (Martin & Rose 2008) and multimodal genre model (Batemen 2008, 2018). Following the two models, we approach genre from a social semiotic perspective and conceptualizes the relationship between semiotic systems and context as natural and bi-directional. Accordingly, discourse semantics (Martin & Rose 2007, 2003; Bateman & Schmidt 2012) works as the toolkit for capturing generic features in the present study. We will first analyze the configurations of multimodal meaning at the stratum of discourse semantics from the perspective of intermodal and inter-metafunctional couplings, and then move on to see how these meaning configurations help to to identify stages of an elemental genre and to map out genre relations. The data for the analysis is America Under the Gun, one of the 72 Data Journalism Award finalists in 2013. It is an online multimodal artifact, which includes a multimodal headline in the top middle, 5 verbal texts, 3 graphs, 3 images, and 4 maps.
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Senior Lecturer in Education
Manchester Metropolitan University
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