Developing L2 Finnish constructions in an instructional setting: a dynamic usage-based approach

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Abstract Summary

In this paper, we show with the longitudinal data collected with four beginner learners of L2 Finnish how both bottom-up and top-down processes are used and how they interact when learners are developing their L2. We discuss how the pedagogical interventions seem to affect the interplay between these two processes.

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In usage-based approaches to language learning, it is assumed that learners develop their constructions bottom-up, i.e. that general patterns of the L2 are derived from lexically specific, formulaic items that are tied to specific usage-events (e.g. Eskildsen 2008). However, it has been shown that top-down processes are used along the course of L2 development as well (e.g. Arndt-Lappe & Baldus 2018). With the longitudinal data collected with four beginner learners of L2 Finnish - learning Finnish in an instructional setting - we show how both of these two processes are used and how they interact when learners are developing the L2 forms. We traced the development of two frequent constructions in our weekly collected, free production data. These two constructions: the haluta ’want’ and tykätä ’like’ (in total 272 utterances) were analyzed in terms of their productivity (operationalized as variability within the construction). Our results show that some constructions develop bottom-up. These constructions show very little variability initially and only later the constructions get more varied and the abstract schema emerges. For other constructions, the use of top-down processing is visible: a general pattern seems to be available for the learners from very early on shown by greater variability within the construction. In addition to the productivity, the accuracy of the constructions was analyzed. As expected from the dynamic usage-based perspective, the learners show non-linear development in the accuracy of the targeted constructions. Moreover, some non-target-like forms show how learners make use of top-down processes, i.e. an explicitly learned pattern is applied. In this paper, we discuss the role of the pedagogical interventions on the use and development of the two constructions and how an explicit focus on the form of the construction seems to affect the interplay between bottom-up and top-down processes.

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