Early multilingual learning in multilingual contexts

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Abstract Summary

This paper looks into early multilingual learning in a multilingual context in northern Italy. The complexity and dynamism underpinning multilingual development are addressed in some detail. Selected findings from work in progress are presented and discussed. A new tool for the promotion and assessment of components of multilingual competences is introduced. The paper closes with an outlook and recommendations for future directions.

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Abstract :

This paper looks into early multilingual learning. It reports on recent research carried out in a multilingual context in northern Italy. Special focus is given to the notion of multi-competence and to factor bundles that influence learners‘ multilingual resourcefulness and agency. The complexity and dynamism underpinning multilingual development are addressed in some detail. Selected findings from an empirical study (work in progress) are presented and discussed. Finally, a new assessment tool for multilingual competences is introduced. The paper closes with an outlook and recommendations for future directions. References: Allgäuer-Hackl, E. (2017). The Development of Metalinguistic Awareness in Multilingual Learners. How Effective is Multilingual Training in the Classroom? Dissertation, University of Innsbruck. Cook, V. (2016). Premises of multi-competence. In Cook, Vivian & Li Wei (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Linguistic Multi-Competence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1-25. Herdina, P. & Jessner, U. (2002). A Dynamic Model of Multilingualism – Perspectives of Change in Psycolinguistics. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Hofer, B. (2017). Emergent multicompetence at the primary level: a dynamic conception of multicompetence. Language Awareness 26: 2, 96-112. Hofer, B. & Jessner, U. (in press). Assessing components of multicompetence. Lingua. Hofer, B. & Jessner, U. (in press). MehrSprachigKompetent 9-12. Innsbruck: Studia Verlag. Hofer, B. & Jessner, U. (2017). Is multilingual learning advantageous? Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata/ Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics XVII: 1, 9-32. Jessner, U. (2008b). Multicompetence Approaches to Language Proficiency Development in Multilingual Education. In J. Cummins & N. H. Hornberger (Eds), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Vol.5: Bilingual Education (2nd ed., pp. 91-103).

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researcher, lecturer, English teacher
DYME Innsbruck University, Free University of Bolzano
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