In this presentation, we ask what might be involved in undertaking an analysis of the language assemblage.
In this presentation, we ask what might be involved in undertaking an analysis of the language assemblage. Growing critical interest in assemblage thinking in the context of language studies is noted in recent scholarship, particularly within poststructuralist elements of the multilingual turn. The assemblage presents a possibility for unpacking the legacy of modernity in how we think about language. Strengths of assemblage thinking include the bringing together of seemingly discordant perspectives, as well as consideration of both the ideological frames and the material components of language (or, languaging). Language assemblages have unique characteristics, and yet remain in constant interplay with assemblages that are not principally linguistic (Deleuze Guattari, 1987).
Deleuze, G., Guattari, F. (1987). A thousand plateaus: Capitalism and schizophrenia. London, England: Continuum.