This paper presents results from an analysis of language tandem conversation in Social VR. We will discuss a) possibilities to learn grammar and pragmatics in oral, immersive, game-based VR-communication and b) solutions to establish successful language tandem interactions and to track the learning progress in SVR.
"The sound improvement of oral competencies remains a challenge in traditional L2 classrooms (Huneke/Steinig 2010), while informal local language exchange with native speakers (such as analog language tandems and language study travels) can be organisationally difficult and expensive. Language tandems in SVR (e.g. VRChat, AltspaceVR) can overcome such obstacles, by neutralizing geographical distances without losing the third dimension for joint communicative interaction (as opposed to e.g. video chats) (Ahlers/Siegert forthcoming). SVR provides informal, multimodal, and motivating task environments for immersive L2 learning (Ahlers/Lazović/Schweiger/Senkbeil submitted), and software developing kits for SVR help create new worlds and communication-oriented games for Digital Game-Based Language Learning (DGBLL). We have used DGBLL to elicit and analyse learning processes in terms of grammar and pragmatics, and to create opportunities to practice these phenomena in oral communication with L1 speakers of the target language (here: Spanish-speakers learning German, and vice versa).We will present a functional pragmatic analysis of multimodal conversations in SVR that have been recorded in the pilot study ""Hololingo!"". Our analysis focuses on learners' progress in grammar and pragmatic skills, and cognitive grounding in VR. By integrating also eye-tracking in our research design, we track learners' visual attention, which enables researchers (and potentially teachers) to co-experience/re-experience the learning process from the learner's first-person perspective.Language tandem is originally a highly autonomous form of learning, so we will also discuss relevant challenges, such as tracking the individual learning progress, and measures (video tutorials and reflexion assignments) to initiate and establish useful language tandem practices in SVR.ReferencesAhlers, Timo/Lazović, Milica/Schweiger, Kathrin/Senkbeil, Karsten (submitted): Tandemlernen in Social-Virtual-Reality (TLSVR): Eine Bestandsaufnahme immersiv-spielebasierten, digitalen DaF-Mündlichkeitserwerbs.Ahlers, Timo/Siegert, Gregor (forthcoming): Sprachimmersion im Wohnzimmer: Interaktion, Grounding und Embodiment im DaF-Erwerb mittels Social-VR.Huneke, Hans-Werner & Steinig, Wolfgang (2010): Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin: ESV."