Negotiations on the Scientific Writing: a Literacy Trajectory in a Brazilian High School

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We seek to recognize aspects of academic writing constructed dialogically by a Brazilian high school students and their advisors. We analyze orientation sessions and text editing versions produced on a digital platform. Academic writing in this context is constituted from the construction of the image of an interlocutor.

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The aim of this work is to report a part of my Phd research, in which I discuss academic literacy in a context of writing Final Papers (TCC) in a technical course integrated to high school at the institution where I work as a teacher. The objective is to discuss how the participants (two pairs of young students and advisors) constitute academic literacy practices in the writing of the papers. My research consisted of field work carried out in 2018 through monitoring of final paper writing paths from two pairs of advisors and two 18-year-old students. Data consists in recordings of interactions between students and advisors, documentation of written files and interviews with participants. Affiliated to Applied Linguistics, the theoretical bases that supported the analysis were the ethnographic perspective of New Literacy Studies and academic literacy with theoretical formulations from dialogism in order to establish a theoretical-analytical proposal capable of supporting the analysis of writing and the interactions around writing in search of recognition the literacy practices that constituted that academic literacy. The analyzes allowed to recognize the projection of interlocutors as one of the patterns of interaction between the participants in the writing path. The participants, with greater or lesser conscious, projected a virtual interlocutor as a potential reader for the final paper based on their participation in other literacy practices. So the students recognized their advisors as their great interlocutors and guided the writing to them, and the advisor projected as an interlocutor a middle representative of the academic community and from that they produced their guidance to the students in a movement to format their texts according to the expectations of this virtual interlocutor. The results show that (i) there is a tendency to format the literacy practices according to the expectation of a virtual interlocutor projected by advisors. Generally, according to their other academic experiences. (ii) This virtual interlocutor determines the valuation of what is legitimated as "academic" in the papers. And (iii) an hegemonic academic model, common in universities, is reproduced in this context, despite being a context of technical education integrated to high school

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Federal Institute of Paraná (IFPR)
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