University teachers and students interviews on the use of L1 in the L2 classroom

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Abstract Summary

This study explores two questions, which is first on the teacher issue: If teachers are using L1, then why are they using it and how much do teachers use it in their lessons? The second is the student issue: How do students feel about the use of the L1?

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This study examines teachers' use of the first language in L2 classrooms within the EFL and ESL context including students' reactions. This study explores two questions, which is first on the teacher issue: If teachers are using L1, then why are they using it and how much do teachers use it in their lessons? The second is the student issue: How do students feel about the use of the L1? The researcher observed 29 teachers in their classroom and analyzed their interviews: 15 English teachers who were Japanese and 14 non-Japanese English teachers in four universities (one private, two municipals, and one national) in western Japan. She also examined 27 students' interviews from these same schools. From the results, there is more of a gray area in terms of different teaching approaches and methodologies when it comes to focusing on the target language in the L2 classroom. This study also revealed that students did not seem to mind the use of the L1 just as long they could understand their teachers. Possible reasons will be discussed from the results, along with pedagogical implications.

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Ehime University
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