In our contribution, we will present the framework of reference for intercomprehension developed within the European project EVAL-IC (Evaluation des compétences en intercompréhension, Erasmus+). The framework provides descriptors for receptive intercomprehension, interproduction and interactive intercomprehension.
Since the late 1990s the notion of a plurilingual and pluricultural competence as designed by Coste, Moore and Zarate (1997) has had a strong impact on the didacts of languages. Several plural approaches have been developed which aim at developing competences in several languages and/or cultures (Melo-Pfeifer & Reimann, 2018; Ollivier & Strasser, 2013; Reissner, 2010), with intercomprehension didactics being one of them. However, existing frameworks (e.g. the Frameworkof Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures (FREPA, Candelier et al., 2012) or the Companion Guide of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (Council of Europe, Language Policy Programme, 2018)) fail to adequately describe the specific competences that underly intercomprehensive activities. In our contribution, we will present the framework of reference for intercomprehension developed within the European project EVAL-IC (Evaluation des compétences en intercompréhension, Erasmus+). The framework is based on a dynamic and complex competence model, comprising of 6 levels of competence which can be regrouped into 3 larger levels (basic, advanced, expert). The framework provides descriptors for the following intercomprehensive activities: written/oral receptive intercomprehension; written/oral interproduction; and written/oral interactive intercomprehension as well as a global description of each level.