Interaction between actors of signed language interpreting in inclusive tertiary classrooms

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Abstract Summary

Our presentation discusses the role of interpreting in the inclusion of deaf students in tertiary classrooms in Ghana. It presents the participants understandings of inclusion, the demands and control options of interpreting in tertiary classrooms, and the nature of interactions between deaf students, lecturers and interpreters in the classrooms.

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Abstract :

The aim of this presentation is to discuss classroom interaction among actors of signed language interpreting (lecturers, signed language interpreters, deaf students) in inclusive tertiary classrooms. Deaf students often transition from pre-tertiary to tertiary classrooms without experiencing inclusive practices and learning through signed language interpreting. Lecturers who teach at the tertiary level also are often not familiar with teaching deaf students through signed language interpreting with hearing students in the same classroom. In spite of these issues regarding the midst experiences of the actors in tertiary classrooms, there is a dearth of empirical studies conducted that examine the interactions of the actors in tertiary classrooms. This paper will present findings from a study conducted in inclusive tertiary classrooms in Ghana. The presentation will highlight how methodological challenges were addressed through the annotation and analyses of signed language interaction data in the classroom. It will present the various demands and control considerations that signed language interpreters encounter as they work in these settings and present analysis of the interactions that exist between the actors as they engage in inclusive practices in tertiary classrooms. Particular attention will be paid to the interactions that are characteristic of question and answer classroom dialogue and the ways in which actors resolve instances of misunderstanding among themselves in the classrooms. Based on these findings, recommendations will be made to lecturers, signed language interpreters, deaf students, and institutions involved in inclusive practices for deaf students in tertiary classrooms. Keywords: classroom interaction, deaf students, inclusive practices, lecturers, signed language interpreters, signed language interpreting and tertiary.

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University of Leeds
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