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Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 18, 2021 02:30 PM - August 18, 2022 06:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210818T1430 20210818T1800 Europe/Amsterdam S073 2/2 | L2 Pronunciation Teaching and Training: Different Approaches

In the last two decades, there has been an increase in the number of studies focusing on L2 pronunciation instruction and perceptual/production training. This is a consequence of the fact that new classroom methodologies have been proposed and new goals for L2 pronunciation have been set, causing this subfield of Applied Linguistics to become more heterogeneous and complex. In this sense, studies on L2 pronunciation and training have contributed to different fields of Linguistics, such as Phonetics and Phonology, Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition, L2 Teaching, amongst many others. The aim of this symposium is to congregate these different approaches and emphases of L2 Pronunciation Research in the classroom or in the laboratory. We therefore welcome papers that address L2 pronunciation teaching or training in their diversity of approaches, goals, methods and background theories. By allowing for this diversity of approaches and methods, we expect this symposium to represent an opportunity to gather researchers who are willing to share their experiences in their different research realities and classroom scenarios. We hope, therefore, that this symposium reflects the richness and importance of this subfield of Applied Linguistics.

SCHEDULE14:30 – 14:40 – Brief welcome from symposium organizers14:40 – 15:10 – Featured Speaker: Ellen Simon et al.15:10 – 15:20 – Questions15:20 – 15:50 – Standard Presentations 7 (Denis Liakin and Natallia Liakina) and 8 (Nathalie Chapuis)15:50 – 16:00 – Questions16:00 – 16:30 – Break16:30 – 17:20 – Standard Presentations 9 (Tim Kochem et al.), 10 (Ilvi Blessenaar and Lizet van Ewijk), and 11 (Yuri Nishio and Akiyo Joto) 17:20 – 17:35 &n ...

Room 1 AILA 2021
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In the last two decades, there has been an increase in the number of studies focusing on L2 pronunciation instruction and perceptual/production training. This is a consequence of the fact that new classroom methodologies have been proposed and new goals for L2 pronunciation have been set, causing this subfield of Applied Linguistics to become more heterogeneous and complex. In this sense, studies on L2 pronunciation and training have contributed to different fields of Linguistics, such as Phonetics and Phonology, Psycholinguistics and Language Acquisition, L2 Teaching, amongst many others. The aim of this symposium is to congregate these different approaches and emphases of L2 Pronunciation Research in the classroom or in the laboratory. We therefore welcome papers that address L2 pronunciation teaching or training in their diversity of approaches, goals, methods and background theories. By allowing for this diversity of approaches and methods, we expect this symposium to represent an opportunity to gather researchers who are willing to share their experiences in their different research realities and classroom scenarios. We hope, therefore, that this symposium reflects the richness and importance of this subfield of Applied Linguistics.

14:30 – 14:40 – Brief welcome from symposium organizers
14:40 – 15:10 – Featured Speaker: Ellen Simon et al.
15:10 – 15:20 – Questions
15:20 – 15:50 – Standard Presentations 7 (Denis Liakin and Natallia Liakina) and 8 (Nathalie Chapuis)
15:50 – 16:00 – Questions
16:00 – 16:30 – Break
16:30 – 17:20 – Standard Presentations 9 (Tim Kochem et al.), 10 (Ilvi Blessenaar and Lizet van Ewijk), and 11 (Yuri Nishio and Akiyo Joto)
17:20 – 17:35 – Questions
17:35 – 17:50 – Poster Pitches 4 (Julia Forsberg et al.), 5 (Kathrin Wild), 6 (Dolors Font-Rotchés et al.) and 6 (Alice Chan)
17:50 – 18:00 - Questions

The impact of multimodal phonetic training on L2 perception: a study on French learners of Dutch in BelgiumView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FeaturedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
This study explores the impact of multimodal high variability phonetic training on five L2 Dutch vowel and consonant contrasts for L1 French learners of Dutch in Belgium. Training effects are calculated by comparing pre-, post- and delayed post-test scores on lexical decision tasks for an experimental and a control group.
Presenters Ellen Simon
Ghent University
Bastien De Clercq
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pauline Degrave
Assistant Professor, UCLouvain
Quentin Decourcelle
Speech technologies and pronunciation training : what potential for efficient corrective feedback?View Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
Recently, Web 2.0 and mobile applications have become an endless source of new technological tools that integrate Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). Their use in learning environments has led to a growing interest by researchers whose studies demonstrate the effectiveness of these tools in relation to acquiring L2 pronunciation, to developing oral proficiency in general, and to providing instantaneous individualized feedback. In this presentation, we will examine different types of corrective feedback (CF) that ASR-based applications can provide and we will report the results of our action research on the use of different ASR-based tools in two pronunciation courses.
Presenters Denis Liakin
Concordia University
Natallia Liakina
McGill University
Improving L2 pronunciation learning at school by two different teaching approachesView Abstract
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
Foreign language pronunciation learning can be improved at school. German speaking pupils improved their pronunciation of a French vowel phonemic contrast after focused instruction. Pronunciation teaching with a communicative phonologically targeted pedagogy is as efficient as an articulatory pedagogy. However, differences between the two teaching methods can be observed when the results are analysed by phoneme. Implications are discussed for teacher formation and learning processes.
Presenters Nathalie Dherbey Chapuis
Assistant Professor French As A Foreign Language, Fribourg University, Institute Of Multilingualism
An extra layer of support: Developing an English speaking consultation training programView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
Nonnative speakers of English may not be fully equipped to communicate effectively through the oral mode. With this in mind, and through English proficiency testing and a needs analysis on oral communication, Iowa State University has developed a training program to prepare graduate students to become English Speaking Consultants.
Timothy Kochem
Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, Iowa State University
The use of the ICF-model in the assessment and instruction of second language learners.View Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
The ‘International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health’ is a framework, often used in healthcare, that focuses on functioning and participation, taking into account personal and environmental factors. It assists in: identifying influencing factors, providing input to enable appropriate goalsetting and helping to view the individual L2-learner as a whole.
Presenters Ilvi Blessenaar
Speech And Language Therapist, Lecturer, Junior Researcher, University Of Applied Sciences Utrecht
Lizet Van Ewijk
Senior Researcher And Lecturer, HU University Of Applied Sciences Utrecht
The Improvement of Fossilized English Phonemes by Studying an ICT self-learning system with the Learner’s Self-videos Pronouncing EnglishView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
The aim of this paper is to examine whether an ICT self-learning system with learner’s self-videos pronouncing English could improve English fossilized phonemes of English alphabet for advanced and primary leveled Japanese university students. The ICT system was proven to help both students improve their fossilized pronunciation.
Presenters Yuri Nishio
Professor, Meijo University
Akiyo Joto
Professor Emeritus, Prefectural University Of Hiroshima
A broader view of pronunciationView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
Diagnostic tests show deficiencies in the basic decoding and coding abilities of new arrivals, even after years of learning Swedish. The traditional view on pronunciation training needs to be expanded towards development of the code level abilities in reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Presenters Julia Forsberg
Stockholm University
Tomas Riad
Maria Lim Falk
What teachers can learn from good pronunciation learnersView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
We still know little about what makes pronunciation learning succeed after the critical phase. For empirical substantiation, the results of six interviews on pronunciation learning strategies with successful post-critical period pronunciation learners will be discussed.
Presenters Kathrin Wild
Europa University Flensburg
ICTs and Kahoot: Learning L2 pronunciation in a fun wayView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
We bring the results of a study on the improvement of Catalan L2 pronunciation by the majority of 60 students on the Teacher Degree Course at the Universitat de Barcelona, based on the use of attractive resources, including ICTs and Kahoot, and following the verbotonal method.
Presenters Agnès Rius-Escudé
Lecturer Serra Hunter, University Of Barcelona
Dolors Font-Rotchés
University Of Barcelona
Francina Torras Compte
University Of Barcelona
Teaching of English Pronunciation to Advanced ESL Learners: Perceptual Training or Production Training?View Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/18 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/18 16:00:00 UTC
This paper gives some suggestions for L2 pronunciation teaching which can help ESL learners overcome their problems with the perception and production of L2 English speech sounds. It argues that both speech perception and speech production should be given comparable pedagogical attention in an advanced ESL classroom.
Presenters Alice Yin Wa Chan
City University Of Hong Kong
Ghent University
Assistant Professor
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
McGill University
Concordia University
+ 11 more speakers. View All
 Jeniffer  Albuquerque
Federal University of Technology - Paraná
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The impact of multimodal phonetic training on L...
AILA__AILA_presentation Submitted by Ellen Simon 0AILA_1629296820AILA-SimonDegraveDecourcelleDeClercq.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Ellen Simon 0
Teaching of English Pronunciation to Advanced E...
AILA__AILA__Alice_Chan Submitted by Alice Yin Wa Chan 0AILA_1625232644AILA2020powerpoint.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Alice Yin Wa Chan 0
What teachers can learn from good pronunciation...
AILA___AILA_Poster_Kathrin_Wild Submitted by Kathrin Wild 0AILA_16292114792021AILAPosterKathrinWildWhatteacherscanlearnfromgoodpron.learners.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Kathrin Wild 0
ICTs and Kahoot: Learning L2 pronunciation in a...
AILA__ITCs_and_Kahoot_learning_L_in_a_fun_way Submitted by Agnès Rius-Escudé 0
A broader view of pronunciation
AILA__AILA Submitted by Julia Forsberg 0AILA_1626990589AILA21Abroaderviewofpronunciation_poster.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Julia Forsberg 0
The use of the ICF-model in the assessment and ...
AILA__Blessenaar_ICF_L_AILA_ Submitted by Ilvi Blessenaar 0AILA_1626281086PresentatieAILAaug2021handout.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Ilvi Blessenaar 0
An extra layer of support: Developing an Englis...
AILA__Kochem_et_al Submitted by Timothy Kochem 0
The Improvement of Fossilized English Phonemes ...
AILA__AILAPresentation_Final_Nishio_ Submitted by Yuri Nishio 0
Speech technologies and pronunciation training ...
AILA__Liakina_Liakin_AILA_presentation_ Submitted by Denis Liakin 0
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