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Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 17, 2021 08:30 AM - August 17, 2022 12:00 Noon(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210817T0830 20210817T1200 Europe/Amsterdam S134 1/2 | ReN: Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research Network Symposium: New epistemologies and cultural dynamics of co-production

This new AILA Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research Network Symposium explores critical perspectives raised by co-production in research and pedagogy. Traditionally research has 'belonged' to researchers, while teaching/learning has 'belonged' to practitioners. This creates a cultural communication gap which has long been contested. We highlight the challenges of different contextual constraints, probe assumptions of agency, voice and ownership, and foreground issues of local/global knowledge raised when practitioners engage in theorising praxis. This approach deliberately crosses boundaries, asking WHO does WHAT in classrooms and research. Making practitioner research fully inclusive means empowering those whose contributions are traditionally overlooked: learners, teachers, teacher educators, administrators, to co-produce knowledge, share insights, develop understandings of research in applied linguistics. New epistemologies are generated as hierarchies are interrogated and the cultures of research and pedagogy are explored. In this interactive Symposium we bring together researchers, practitioner researchers, teachers, learners and scholars involved in fully inclusive practitioner research from different geographical, institutional, cultural areas. A rich variety of speakers (both experienced and 'new scholars') from around the world will give creative, multimodal presentations of their work. We invite discussions in a new approach to co-production of knowledge about learning, teaching, researching in applied linguistics.

Room 1 AILA 2021
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This new AILA Fully Inclusive Practitioner Research Network Symposium explores critical perspectives raised by co-production in research and pedagogy. Traditionally research has 'belonged' to researchers, while teaching/learning has 'belonged' to practitioners. This creates a cultural communication gap which has long been contested. We highlight the challenges of different contextual constraints, probe assumptions of agency, voice and ownership, and foreground issues of local/global knowledge raised when practitioners engage in theorising praxis. This approach deliberately crosses boundaries, asking WHO does WHAT in classrooms and research. Making practitioner research fully inclusive means empowering those whose contributions are traditionally overlooked: learners, teachers, teacher educators, administrators, to co-produce knowledge, share insights, develop understandings of research in applied linguistics. New epistemologies are generated as hierarchies are interrogated and the cultures of research and pedagogy are explored. In this interactive Symposium we bring together researchers, practitioner researchers, teachers, learners and scholars involved in fully inclusive practitioner research from different geographical, institutional, cultural areas. A rich variety of speakers (both experienced and 'new scholars') from around the world will give creative, multimodal presentations of their work. We invite discussions in a new approach to co-production of knowledge about learning, teaching, researching in applied linguistics.

Sustainability in practitioner research: Perspectives from AustraliaView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Featured 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
We argue for the importance of sustainability in practitioner research, with reference to our experiences of facilitating and researching English language teacher action research in Australia. We draw on a sociocultural ecological theoretical framework to propose ways in which sustainability can be achieved in practitioner research.
Anne Burns
University Of New South Wales
Emily Edwards
Lecturer In Academic Language And Learning, University Of Technology Sydney
Beyond the third-party academic paradigm in writing about inclusive practitioner researchView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
The new online Learner Development Journal was initiated to create an accessible forum for engaging with and writing about inclusive practitioner research. Here, we problematise the brokering of alternative writing practices and discuss the difficulties for editors, reviewers, and contributors in breaking with a third-party" academic paradigm."
Presenters Tim Ashwell
Teacher, Komazawa University
Andy Barfield
Chuo University
Alison Stewart
Gakushuin University
Secret doors, coffee cups and humour: Investigating EAP teachers’ positive emotions, well-being and quality of life through ‘sticky objects’View Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This multi-modal, qualitative research investigated EAP teacher positive emotions in the higher education contexts of Saudi Arabia and the UK through teacher recordings of ‘sticky objects’ (Ahmed 2004), diary entries, and interview data. The findings illuminate positive emotional practices, notions of emotion labour and feeling rules within the two contexts.
Presenters Sian Etherington
University Of Salford
Judith Hanks
University Of Leeds
Empowering professional identities through co-investigating in an interdisciplinary learning environment: a case example of from FinlandView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This presentation will briefly present the highlights of the empirical interdisciplinary course case which was built on (some of) the basic principles of the fully inclusive Exploratory Practice. The learning environment was used as a means for exploring bottom-up sociolinguistic norms and sense-making as identified and relevant for the participants. The groups of students co-working for understanding consisted of MA students of Finnish language and students of Theatre Arts. Among the inclusive research methods was autoethnographic, reflective diary keeping applied together with project based collaborative activities.
Presenters Johanna Vaattovaara
Professor, Tampere University, Finland
Writer, editor and reviewer perspectives on writing about inclusive practitioner researchView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Focused 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
In this poster presentation we follow up on questions raised in the presentation “Beyond the third-party academic paradigm in writing about inclusive practitioner research” by exploring the perspectives of writers, reviewers and editors who have participated in a new online forum for engaging with and writing about inclusive practitioner research.
Presenters Tim Ashwell
Teacher, Komazawa University
Alison Stewart
Gakushuin University
Andy Barfield
Chuo University
‘Why should puzzles be “why” questions?’ Puzzling about Exploratory Practice with language learnersView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This study reports on a meta-puzzling process of Exploratory Practice (EP) focusing on puzzles. In this case study, undergraduate students explored their own puzzles framed with ‘Why’, ‘How’ and ‘What’ and they compared, in collaboration with their teacher, the three forms of puzzles in terms of their engagement in EP.
Presenters Yoshitaka Kato
Chubu University
Practitioner researchers and academic researchers can do better togetherView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
The divide between practitioners and academics has been largely debated and critiqued. However, with this presentation, I wish to share my experience as an academic practitioner and illustrate the rationale for partnerships between applied linguistics academics and practitioners to work together and produce more powerful research insights.
Presenters Sal Consoli
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lecturer in Academic Language and Learning
University of Technology Sydney
University of New South Wales
Komazawa University
Chuo University
Gakushuin University
+ 5 more speakers. View All
Regent's University London
 Cori Crane
Associate Professor
University of Alabama
Supervisor Teacher Education Courses
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Dr. Judith Hanks
University of Leeds
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Sustainability in practitioner research: Perspe...
AILA__Burns___Edwards__AILA__presentation Submitted by Anne Burns 0
Writer, editor and reviewer perspectives on wri...
AILA_Writereditorandreviewerperspectivesonwritingaboutinclusivepractitionerresea Submitted by Tim Ashwell 0AILA_1626792039WritereditorandreviewerperspectivesonwritingaboutinclusivepractitionerresearchPosterPresentation.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Tim Ashwell 0
Practitioner researchers and academic researche...
AILA__Consoli_AILA_EP Submitted by Sal Consoli 0
‘Why should puzzles be “why” questions?...
AILA__Yoshitaka_KATO Submitted by Yoshitaka Kato 0AILA_1626919038poster_YoshitakaKato.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Yoshitaka Kato 0
Beyond the third-party academic paradigm in wri...
AILA__Beyond_the_third_party_academic_paradigm_in_writing_about_inclusive_practi Submitted by Tim Ashwell 0AILA_1626791884Beyondthethird-partyacademicparadigminwritingaboutinclusivepractitionerresearch.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Tim Ashwell 0
Secret doors, coffee cups and humour: Investiga...
AILA__etheringtonhanksalshehri Submitted by Sian Etherington 0AILA_1627833389AILA21presentation.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Sian Etherington 0
Empowering professional identities through co-i...
AILA__J Submitted by Johanna Vaattovaara 0AILA_1629031137Empoweringprofessionalidentitiesthroughco-investigating.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Johanna Vaattovaara 0
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