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Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 17, 2021 08:30 AM - August 17, 2022 12:00 Noon(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210817T0830 20210817T1200 Europe/Amsterdam S099 3/3 | Multilingual education or how to learn to teach multilingual learning

Around the world multilingual learning arrangements have evolved over several decades with the aim of enhancing equity in education. More recently a growing body of research has not only produced a myriad of concepts (plurilingualism, translanguaging, metro-, poly- and other -lingualisms) but also valuable insights into the complexities of multilingual learning and teaching, coupled with calls for continuous pedagogical, institutional, and technological innovation to address these complexities. The significant contributions, changing roles, and professional development of teachers have also recently come to the forefront. At the same time, statistics indicate that plurilingual learners face more obstacles for their academic success than those who are categorized as monolingual students (OECD, 2018). This symposium addresses multilingual teaching, learning and innovation as relevant challenges for Applied Linguistics connecting research from different fields within the discipline. Two sub-themes are proposed: 1) teaching and learning for/in multilingual contexts; and 2) teacher education. Sub-theme one raises questions about facets of multilingual learning and teaching and addresses e.g. biographical, discursive and contextual aspects. Sub-theme two focuses upon teaching competence and its development and asks how teacher beliefs, perceptions and attitudes influence learning to teach in and for multilingual contexts.

S099 detailed programme, click here

Room 1 AILA 2021
118 attendees saved this session

Around the world multilingual learning arrangements have evolved over several decades with the aim of enhancing equity in education. More recently a growing body of research has not only produced a myriad of concepts (plurilingualism, translanguaging, metro-, poly- and other -lingualisms) but also valuable insights into the complexities of multilingual learning and teaching, coupled with calls for continuous pedagogical, institutional, and technological innovation to address these complexities. The significant contributions, changing roles, and professional development of teachers have also recently come to the forefront. At the same time, statistics indicate that plurilingual learners face more obstacles for their academic success than those who are categorized as monolingual students (OECD, 2018). This symposium addresses multilingual teaching, learning and innovation as relevant challenges for Applied Linguistics connecting research from different fields within the discipline. Two sub-themes are proposed: 1) teaching and learning for/in multilingual contexts; and 2) teacher education. Sub-theme one raises questions about facets of multilingual learning and teaching and addresses e.g. biographical, discursive and contextual aspects. Sub-theme two focuses upon teaching competence and its development and asks how teacher beliefs, perceptions and attitudes influence learning to teach in and for multilingual contexts.

S099 detailed programme, click here

In-service teachers, translanguaging pedagogies and the development of teacher cognition – voices from the fieldView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FeaturedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
The purpose of this paper is to investigate in-service teachers’ thoughts and beliefs vis-á-vis a professional development program focusing on pedagogical translanguaging. In this ethnographically framed study, the complex relationships between teacher cognition, teacher identities and their classroom practices during a professional development project will be examined.
Presenters Annaliina Gynne
Senior Lecturer, Mälardalen University
Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Multilingual Learning—Findings from a Study on Competence Development for Multilingual EducationView Abstract
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This presentation focuses on pre-service teachers’ competence development for teaching in multilingual contexts by attending a corresponding teacher education course. Results of a study using the concept of professional vision—the ability to notice and reason about relevant classroom events—as indicator for professional competence are discussed.
Presenters Denis Weger
University Of Vienna
Teachers’ experiences of assessing their multilingual students’ language abilitiesView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This interview study presents 13 preschool class teachers’ experiences of assessing the language abilities of six year olds who speak other languages than Swedish at home. The classroom assessments were valued as a starting point but the teachers felt the need to vary their methods when assessing multilingual students.
Presenters Elisabeth Nilsson
Umeå University
The Impact of Pre-Service Language Teachers‘ Plurilingual Identity on their Self-EfficacyView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This exploratory cross-national study investigates how the perceived plurilingual identity of pre-service teachers affects their self-efficacy. Data sources included 40 language portraits and in-depth semi-structured interviews. Initial inductive content analysis revealed a number of predominant themes suggesting that pre-service teachers‘ plurilingual identity is closely intertwinded with their sense of self-efficacy.
Presenters Lena Schwarzl
University Of Vienna
Orly Haim
Pedagogical Advisor, Chair Of The Council Of The Faculty Of Education (Beit Berl College), Beit Berl College; Tel Aviv University, Israel
Building multilingual identities in the context of parental engagement: insights for teacher educationView Abstract
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This presentation focusses on the teacher’s role in the construction of the multilingual identity of culturally and linguistically diverse parents in the context of their children’s school. Preliminary reflections based on qualitative data show the importance of teachers in facilitating parents’ possibilities of school involvement and empowering them as multilingual subjects.
Presenters Valéria Schörghofer-Queiroz
University Of Vienna
Moving from representations on multilingualism to professional practices in teacher training : the field of French Guiana to nurture didacticsView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
This communication reports on an empirical approach carried out in socially disadvantaged school districts in the department of French Guiana where most pupils are multilingual during teacher training sessions aimed to draw up an inventory of representations on multilingualism to develop them and to create levers to improve teaching practices
Presenters Manon Plasschaert
Teacher, Education Nationale
Nathalie Blanc
Associate Professor / AFLA Vice President, Université Lyon 1
Teachers’ subjective viewpoints about multilingualism – a cross-national comparative research projectView Abstract
Focused 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
Primary school teachers’ subjective perceptions of multilingualism on a conceptual level and potential pedagogical actions serving as language management actions in Sweden and Switzerland are investigated using a comparative Q methodological research approach.
Presenters Adrian Lundberg
Malmö University
Moving towards the multilingual paradigm in ELT: The MIOP modelView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
ELT teachers find themselves working in increasingly multilingual classrooms. To challenge the monolingual bias and promote additive multilingualism, better tools for classroom observations are needed for teachers and supervisors. This presentation introduces the Multilingual Approach to Diversity in Education (MADE) as a tool for instructional design and assessment in multilingual ELT contexts.
Presenters Anna Krulatz
Maryann Christison
University Of Utah
Plurilingual TBLL: a way to enhance inclusionView Abstract
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/17 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/17 10:00:00 UTC
Thanks to plurilingual and multimodal inputs in plurilingual TBLL, the use of all languages present in the plurilingual repertoire of learners are activated during the taks-solving processes. They are involved in real-world discourse, which, triggers translanguaging practices and mediation and, by doing so, fosters inclusive attitudes and coopertive communicative practices.
Presenters Gisela Mayr
Free University Of Bolzano
Senior Lecturer
Mälardalen University
University of Vienna
Umeå University
Pedagogical Advisor, Chair of the Council of the Faculty of Education (Beit Berl College)
Beit Berl College; Tel Aviv University, Israel
University of Vienna
+ 7 more speakers. View All
 Eva Vetter
University of Vienna
Prof. Nikolay Slavkov
University of Ottawa
 Lotte De Haan
AILA2021 volunteer
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In-service teachers, translanguaging pedagogies...
AILA__In_service_teachers_TL_pedagogies_and_teacher_cognition_AILA__S_Gynne Submitted by Annaliina Gynne 0
Moving towards the multilingual paradigm in ELT...
AILA_ChristisonKrulatz_Symposium Submitted by Anna Krulatz 0AILA_1626950551ChristisonKrulatz.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Anna Krulatz 0
Teachers’ subjective viewpoints about multili...
AILA_1629045554Lundberg_Poster_AILA2021.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Adrian Lundberg 0
Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Multilingual...
AILA_1629115800Weger_AILA_2021_final.pptx Download Presentation Submitted by Denis Weger 0
Teachers’ experiences of assessing their mult...
AILA__Elisabeth_Nilsson_AILA Submitted by Elisabeth Nilsson 0AILA_1627968853EN_AILA2021_handout.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Elisabeth Nilsson 0
Moving from representations on multilingualism ...
AILA__pr_sentation_AILA__PLASSCHAERT_BLANC Submitted by Manon Plasschaert 0
The Impact of Pre-Service Language Teachers‘ ...
AILA__Presentation_AILA_ Submitted by Lena Schwarzl 0
Building multilingual identities in the context...
AILA_1629116210Schoerghofer-Queiroz_AILA2021.pptx Download Presentation Submitted by Valéria Schörghofer-Queiroz 0
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