Around the world multilingual learning arrangements have evolved over several decades with the aim of enhancing equity in education. More recently a growing body of research has not only produced a myriad of concepts (plurilingualism, translanguaging, metro-, poly- and other -lingualisms) but also valuable insights into the complexities of multilingual learning and teaching, coupled with calls for continuous pedagogical, institutional, and technological innovation to address these complexities. The significant contributions, changing roles, and professional development of teachers have also recently come to the forefront. At the same time, statistics indicate that plurilingual learners face more obstacles for their academic success than those who are categorized as monolingual students (OECD, 2018). This symposium addresses multilingual teaching, learning and innovation as relevant challenges for Applied Linguistics connecting research from different fields within the discipline. Two sub-themes are proposed: 1) teaching and learning for/in multilingual contexts; and 2) teacher education. Sub-theme one raises questions about facets of multilingual learning and teaching and addresses e.g. biographical, discursive and contextual aspects. Sub-theme two focuses upon teaching competence and its development and asks how teacher beliefs, perceptions and attitudes influence learning to teach in and for multilingual contexts.
S099 detailed programme, click here
Room 1 AILA 2021 aila2021@gcb.nlAround the world multilingual learning arrangements have evolved over several decades with the aim of enhancing equity in education. More recently a growing body of research has not only produced a myriad of concepts (plurilingualism, translanguaging, metro-, poly- and other -lingualisms) but also valuable insights into the complexities of multilingual learning and teaching, coupled with calls for continuous pedagogical, institutional, and technological innovation to address these complexities. The significant contributions, changing roles, and professional development of teachers have also recently come to the forefront. At the same time, statistics indicate that plurilingual learners face more obstacles for their academic success than those who are categorized as monolingual students (OECD, 2018). This symposium addresses multilingual teaching, learning and innovation as relevant challenges for Applied Linguistics connecting research from different fields within the discipline. Two sub-themes are proposed: 1) teaching and learning for/in multilingual contexts; and 2) teacher education. Sub-theme one raises questions about facets of multilingual learning and teaching and addresses e.g. biographical, discursive and contextual aspects. Sub-theme two focuses upon teaching competence and its development and asks how teacher beliefs, perceptions and attitudes influence learning to teach in and for multilingual contexts.
S099 detailed programme, click here