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  2. Update the Browser or App: Ensure that you are using the latest version of the web browser. Developers frequently release updates to address bugs and improve performance.
  3. Clear Browser Cache: Sometimes, cached data can cause conflicts or issues. Clear the browser cache and cookies before joining the meeting.
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  5. Close Other Applications: Running multiple applications in the background can consume system resources and lead to performance issues. Close unnecessary apps to free up resources for the Dryfta meeting platform.
  6. Restart Your Device: If you encounter persistent issues, try restarting your computer or mobile device. This can help resolve various software-related problems.
  7. Use Supported Browsers: Ensure you are using a browser supported by the meeting platform. Recommended browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, and Brave.
  8. Allow Necessary Permissions: Make sure the Dryfta meeting platform has the required permissions to access your microphone, camera, and other necessary features.
  9. Disable VPN or Firewall: Sometimes, VPNs or firewalls can interfere with the connection to the meeting platform. Temporarily disable them and see if the issue persists.
  10. Switch Devices: If possible, try joining the meeting from a different device to see if the problem is specific to one device.
  11. Reduce Bandwidth Usage: In cases of slow or unstable internet connections, ask participants to disable video or share video selectively to reduce bandwidth consumption.
  12. Update Drivers and Software: Ensure your operating system, audio drivers, and video drivers are up to date. Outdated drivers can cause compatibility issues with the Dryfta meeting platform.
  13. Contact Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to the platform's support team. They can provide personalized assistance and troubleshoot specific problems.
By following these troubleshooting tips, you can tackle many common problems encountered on Dryfta meeting platform and have a more productive and seamless meeting experience.
Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 19, 2021 02:30 PM - August 19, 2022 06:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210819T1430 20210819T1800 Europe/Amsterdam S004 1/2 | Academic language proficiency and academic achievement of L2 and L1 students in higher education

The symposium investigates the links between academic language proficiency and academic achievement in higher education among international students and home students. International students do not enjoy the same level of academic success as home students and are at a greater risk of failure. Similar issues have been reported for home students from less traditional backgrounds (so-called 'first generation students'), since large differences in language and literacy ability have been found among L1 students. L2 and L1 students thus appear to have many problems in common, as academic language is a special register that has to be learned by everyone. The symposium will focus on (i) the definition of academic language proficiency as a construct; (ii) both global and specific measures for assessing academic language proficiency; (iii) the influence of individual learner variables on academic language proficiency; (iv) academic language proficiency as a predictor of academic achievement; (v) the effect of a remedial language program. Addressing these issues is crucial not just for identifying students at risk and providing practical remediation, but also for a full understanding of language learning development at advanced levels. Symposium organizers: Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (University of Amsterdam). Featured speaker: Danijela Trenkic (University of York).

Room 1 AILA 2021
102 attendees saved this session

The symposium investigates the links between academic language proficiency and academic achievement in higher education among international students and home students. International students do not enjoy the same level of academic success as home students and are at a greater risk of failure. Similar issues have been reported for home students from less traditional backgrounds (so-called 'first generation students'), since large differences in language and literacy ability have been found among L1 students. L2 and L1 students thus appear to have many problems in common, as academic language is a special register that has to be learned by everyone. The symposium will focus on (i) the definition of academic language proficiency as a construct; (ii) both global and specific measures for assessing academic language proficiency; (iii) the influence of individual learner variables on academic language proficiency; (iv) academic language proficiency as a predictor of academic achievement; (v) the effect of a remedial language program. Addressing these issues is crucial not just for identifying students at risk and providing practical remediation, but also for a full understanding of language learning development at advanced levels. Symposium organizers: Folkert Kuiken and Ineke Vedder (University of Amsterdam). Featured speaker: Danijela Trenkic (University of York).

The interplay between academic language proficiency, remedial programs and academic achievement in higher educationView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FeaturedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 16:00:00 UTC
The paper investigates the interplay between academic language proficiency, remedial programs and academic achievement in higher education, focusing on (i) academic language proficiency as a construct; (ii) the relationship between academic language proficiency, individual learner variables and academic achievement; (iii) the effects of a remedial language program.
Presenters Ineke Vedder
Research Associate Amsterdam Center For Language And Communication, University Of Amsterdam
Co-authors Folkert Kuiken
University Of Amsterdam
Academic language proficiency as a predictor of university achievement in language minority speakers: implications for language support and policyView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 16:00:00 UTC
Globalization led to an increase in the linguistic diversity of students in higher education, including domestic language minority speakers (LMS). We will look at the predictive value of academic language proficiency of LMS in relation to other demographic and educational background factors and consider policy implications.
Presenters Jordi Heeren
KU Leuven
Validity arguments for the automated assessment of English academic proficiencyView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 16:00:00 UTC
This paper presents validity arguments for the automated assessment of English academic proficiency by discussing the case of a fully computerized and automatically scored test of academic English. Evidence of the validity of construct definition will be presented, drawing from research on second language acquisition, assessment, and related fields.
Presenters Veronica Benigno
Principal Research Scientist, Pearson Education
No more students under the RADAr: Developing and implementing a diagnostic assessment and remedial programme for academic communication.View Abstract Watch Recording 0
Standard 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 16:00:00 UTC
The RADAr is a unique language assessment in the sense that the constructs tested in both the Dutch version of the assessment (taken by mostly native speakers of Dutch enrolled in a Dutch-language programme) and the English version of the assessment (taken by mostly Dutch and international students enrolled in an English-medium programme) are almost identical. It is also unique because the constructs are derived from CEFR, common language problems among first-year students taken from writing assignments and panel sessions with academic staff and tutors.

Presenters Franke Teunisse
Programme Manager Language Testing , Radboud In'to Languages, Radboud University Nijmegen
Translanguaging in a collaborative summary writing task among university students of immigrant backgroundView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 16:00:00 UTC
Remedial programs in the target language are often not enough to support plurilingual students in university and fill the achievement gap. Can translanguaging be the answer? We aim to identify from the ground up tools and strategies which could be implemented in support of plurilingual students in higher education
Eleonora Piangerelli
University Of Pavia | University Of Bergamo
Advanced literacy in the academic written production of bilingual users of Swedish and Spanish as a Heritage Language. Cross-linguistic influence.View Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 02:30 PM - 06:00 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/19 12:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/19 16:00:00 UTC
This paper focuses on HL speakers’ academic writing and will discuss measures of literacy as a function of cross-linguistic influence and educational background. The need to write academic texts in Spanish is growing as a part of higher education (e.g. Teacher education). The results highlight the need of measures which reflect the genre.
Presenters Rakel Österberg
Stockholm University
Alejandra Donoso
Senior Lecturer In Spanish, Linneaus University
Enrique Sologuren
Senior Lecturer And Researcher, Universidad De Chile
research associate Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication
University of Amsterdam
KU Leuven
Principal Research Scientist
Pearson Education
Programme manager language testing
Radboud in'to Languages, Radboud University Nijmegen
University of Pavia | University of Bergamo
+ 10 more speakers. View All
Prof.Dr Folkert Kuiken
University of Amsterdam
Ms. Penny Heisterkamp
AILA2021 volunteer
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The interplay between academic language profici...
AILA__aila___kuiken___vedder Submitted by Ineke Vedder 0AILA_1626078722kuikenvedder19-8-21.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Ineke Vedder 0
Translanguaging in a collaborative summary writ...
AILA__Il_mio_filmato_ Submitted by Eleonora Piangerelli 0
Advanced literacy in the academic written produ...
AILA__O_sterberg__Donoso_and_Sologuren_AILA___kopia_ Submitted by Rakel Österberg 0AILA_1626947428HandoutAILAS004.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Rakel Österberg 0AILA_1626947440AILAGRONINGENAUGUST2021.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Rakel Österberg 0
Academic language proficiency as a predictor of...
AILA___AILA_ Submitted by Jordi Heeren 0
Validity arguments for the automated assessment...
AILA__AILA__Benigno Submitted by Veronica Benigno 0
No more students under the RADAr: Developing an...
AILA__No_more_students_under_the_RADAR___Franke_Teunisse_Radboud_university Submitted by Franke Teunisse 0AILA_1627895450NomorestudentsundertheRADARhandout-FrankeTeunisse.pptx Download Presentation Submitted by Franke Teunisse 0
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