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  5. Close Other Applications: Running multiple applications in the background can consume system resources and lead to performance issues. Close unnecessary apps to free up resources for the Dryfta meeting platform.
  6. Restart Your Device: If you encounter persistent issues, try restarting your computer or mobile device. This can help resolve various software-related problems.
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  8. Allow Necessary Permissions: Make sure the Dryfta meeting platform has the required permissions to access your microphone, camera, and other necessary features.
  9. Disable VPN or Firewall: Sometimes, VPNs or firewalls can interfere with the connection to the meeting platform. Temporarily disable them and see if the issue persists.
  10. Switch Devices: If possible, try joining the meeting from a different device to see if the problem is specific to one device.
  11. Reduce Bandwidth Usage: In cases of slow or unstable internet connections, ask participants to disable video or share video selectively to reduce bandwidth consumption.
  12. Update Drivers and Software: Ensure your operating system, audio drivers, and video drivers are up to date. Outdated drivers can cause compatibility issues with the Dryfta meeting platform.
  13. Contact Support: If none of the above steps resolve the issue, reach out to the platform's support team. They can provide personalized assistance and troubleshoot specific problems.
By following these troubleshooting tips, you can tackle many common problems encountered on Dryfta meeting platform and have a more productive and seamless meeting experience.
Virtual Session Room 1 Symposium
August 20, 2021 08:30 AM - August 20, 2022 12:00 Noon(Europe/Amsterdam)
20210820T0830 20210820T1200 Europe/Amsterdam S019 1/2 | Classroom Discourse: Intercultural, Interactional and Assessment Perspectives

This symposium showcases papers that focus on various aspects of classroom interaction. The three thematic strands of the symposium are intercultural classroom discourse, teachers' classroom interactional competence and assessing teacher classroom discourse.08:30 - 08:35 | WELCOME08:35 - 09:35 | STANDARD PRESENTATIONS: PLESHAKOVA; DONG; URZUA09:35 - 10:00 | Q&A10:00 - 10:30 | BREAK10:30 - 11:10 | FOCUSED PRESENTATIONS: HARUMI; LEE; WALPER & LIZASOAIN; LI:11:10 - 11:35 | Q&A FOCUSED PRESENTATIONS11:35 - 12:00 | GENERAL DISCUSSION MORNING SESSIONS14:30 - 14:35 | WELCOME BACK14:35 - 15:35 | STANDARD PRESENTATIONS: BORGHETTI; BAUMGART; BLUME15:35 - 16:00 | Q&A16:30 - 16:30 | BREAK16:30 - 17:10 | FOCUSED PRESENTATIONS: DE OLIVEIRA; ZUO; KIM; RIORDAN 17:10 - 17:35 | Q&A FOCUSED PRESENTATIONS17:35 - 18:00 | GENERAL DISCUSSION AFTERNOON SESSIONS

Room 1 AILA 2021
99 attendees saved this session

This symposium showcases papers that focus on various aspects of classroom interaction. The three thematic strands of the symposium are intercultural classroom discourse, teachers' classroom interactional competence and assessing teacher classroom discourse.

08:30 - 08:35 | WELCOME
09:35 - 10:00 | Q&A
10:00 - 10:30 | BREAK

14:30 - 14:35 | WELCOME BACK
15:35 - 16:00 | Q&A
16:30 - 16:30 | BREAK

The role of teacher questions in scaffolding reading comprehension.View Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
The verbal scaffolding within the classroom discourse does not go in a linear way. Teacher questions are a powerful tool for scaffolding. They allow monitoring learners' level of knowledge, directing and controlling the discourse development. They may indicate the change occurring in the learners' cognitive domain structuring.
Presenters Elena Pleshakova
University Of Bonn
Teacher Questioning in Intensive Reading Classrooms: A Pedagogy-oriented Insider’s AccountView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
This article proposes an approach where TQ can be reconfigured to make it more pedagogy-oriented, series-based, and reflection-supplemented. Using EFL intensive reading classroom as a case, the article contextualizes how this approach can be applied to achieve the pedagogy in reading compression, language use, and critical thinking.
Ming Dong
Xi'an International Studies University
Lin Lin
Lin He
Teacher development through guided self-analysis and reflection on L2 teacher talkView Abstract Watch Recording 0
StandardAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
Description of a mentoring project to help novice language teachers reflect on their teacher talk. Participants (Spanish instructors in the US) conducted a series of self-analysis tasks targeting different modes in Walsh’s (2006) SETT inventory. Task results and interview data are discussed, as well as implications for teacher education programs.
Presenters Alfredo Urzúa
San Diego State University
Approaches to interacting with classroom silence: the role of teacher talkView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
This study explores the interaction between Japanese EFL learners' use of classroom silence and teacher talk in Japanese EFL contexts. Adopting conversational analysis, it specifically examines the extent to which learner silence can be utilised as an interactional space scaffolded by teacher talk in L2 learning.
Presenters Seiko Harumi
SOAS, University Of London
Using Binding with Prosody to Encourage and Discourage Further ParticipationView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
This research uses conversation analysis to describe three prosodic techniques a teacher uses to facilitate learner participation. While he validates and connects all student responses, he employs larger prosodic features to encourage further participation whereas these prosodic features remain largely absent when a student is discouraged from further participation.
Presenters Alexander Lee
AILA Solidarity Awardee, Teachers College, Columbia University
Developing teacher trainees’ CIC and interactional awareness in Literature co-teaching practice sessionsView Abstract Watch Recording 0
Focused 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
This presentation will report on a project we have been implementing at Universidad Austral since 2010 in the Anglophone Literature and Culture courses of our English as a Foreign Language teacher training programme. In groups, students carry out simulated co-teaching sessions with their peers in which they test activities to teach English using the Literary pieces taught in the course as authentic materials. We are now incorporating a worksop on Classroom Interactional Competence and the SETT framework (Walsh, 2011) in order to tackle our trainees' most common interactional difficulties when leading the sessions.
Presenters Katherina Walper
Austral University Of Chile
Andrea Lizasoain
Universidad Austral De Chile
Amalia Ortiz De Zarate
Universidad Austral De Chile
Scaffolding Language Learning in Teacher-Student Classroom Interactions: The Processes and Effectiveness in SituView Abstract Watch Recording 0
FocusedAILA Symposium 08:30 AM - 12:00 Noon (Europe/Amsterdam) 2021/08/20 06:30:00 UTC - 2022/08/20 10:00:00 UTC
This study examines the process and effectiveness of the teacher’s scaffolding in teacher-student classroom interactions. It aims to illustrate the effectiveness of scaffolding by exploring the relation between the teacher’s scaffolding strategies and the degree of students’ participation and cognitive development in situated discourses.
Presenters Jingya Li
University Of Chinese Academy Of Sciences
University of Bonn
Xi'an International Studies University
San Diego State University
SOAS, University of London
AILA Solidarity Awardee
Teachers College, Columbia University
+ 3 more speakers. View All
Dr. Nienke Smit
Assistant Professor
Utrecht University
 Laura Nap
AILA2021 volunteer
NHL Stenden University of Applied Siences
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Approaches to interacting with classroom silenc...
AILA__Seiko_Harumi__Approaches_to_interacting_with_classroom_silence Submitted by Seiko Harumi 0AILA_1626856392ApproachestointeractingwithClassroomsilence_PDF.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Seiko Harumi 0
Scaffolding Language Learning in Teacher-Studen...
AILA___AILA_Focused_Prerecorded_Presentation_Jingya_Li Submitted by Jingya Li 0AILA_1629440111AILA2021Scaffoldinglanguagelearning_JingyaLi.pdf Download Presentation Submitted by Jingya Li 0
Using Binding with Prosody to Encourage and Dis...
AILA_UsingBindingwithProsodytoEncourageandDiscourageFurtherParticipation Submitted by Alexander Lee 0
Developing teacher trainees’ CIC and interact...
AILA_LizasoainWalperOrtizdeZarate-minuteintro Submitted by Katherina Walper 0
Teacher development through guided self-analysi...
AILA__GMT__Recording_x Submitted by Alfredo Urzúa 0
The role of teacher questions in scaffolding re...
AILA__AILA__EPleshakova Submitted by Elena Pleshakova 0
Teacher Questioning in Intensive Reading Classr...
AILA__Teacher_Questioning_in_Intensive_Reading_Classrooms_A_Pedagogy_oriented_In Submitted by Ming Dong 0
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