This symposium, organized by the AILA Research Network on Social and Affective Factors in Home Language Maintenance and Development (HOLM ReN), will focus on language policy. While language policies are established and applied at all levels of society, we will pay particular attention to the home as a site where language policies are negotiated and contested, as families are the principal language managers and ultimately responsible for intergenerational language transmission or shift. Papers may examine top-down processes, e.g. how families as micro-level actors react to external macro-level forces, or they may illustrate bottom-up processes, e.g. how home language ideologies and practices might impact more generally on language policy and planning at the macro level. We are particularly interested in the role social and affective factors play in these dynamic processes.
Room 1 AILA 2021 aila2021@gcb.nlThis symposium, organized by the AILA Research Network on Social and Affective Factors in Home Language Maintenance and Development (HOLM ReN), will focus on language policy. While language policies are established and applied at all levels of society, we will pay particular attention to the home as a site where language policies are negotiated and contested, as families are the principal language managers and ultimately responsible for intergenerational language transmission or shift. Papers may examine top-down processes, e.g. how families as micro-level actors react to external macro-level forces, or they may illustrate bottom-up processes, e.g. how home language ideologies and practices might impact more generally on language policy and planning at the macro level. We are particularly interested in the role social and affective factors play in these dynamic processes.